
Monday, November 30, 2020

Why should health and fitness be a part of someone’s life?

why should health and fitness be a part of someone’s life?

I am going to be rather selfish with my answer, but I think also very honest:

I live for Me. I live to experience joy, happiness, excitement, fulfillment and to simply experience the most I can out of life!

I live so that I am successful at the end; so that I feel like my life had meaning and was worth living.

Because the truth is that we all die anyway. We all die and everything we have ever done will eventually be forgotten.

Nothing will remain… So why should I live for others?

I do what makes me happy.

Now, I know that sounds incredibly selfish, but we all do this.

No one does anything for others, because even the act of doing something for someone else gives us something in return.

The thing is that this is not something bad or something be ashamed about!

Instead, if we are honest with ourselves it creates a lot more possibilities and opportunities to lead an amazing life!

I do live for myself and I do act so that I am happy at the end, but of course, that also means keeping the people around me happy, giving where I can, and creating an overall positive attitude!

For instance, I became a coach because it fills my life with the purpose to see others succeed, to see them do more than they think they could, and to put a smile on their face.

And I want to make the world a happier place because I am sick and tired of seeing sad, stressed and angry people in the streets every time I step outside.

That is why I work so hard, why I grind day after day and why I learn as much as I possibly can.

I could say it’s all about the other people, but the truth is that I do this because it does bring me joy, fulfillment, meaning, and value.

In a way, we are all incredibly selfish like that, but in another way, we also help a lot of people with that, and if you asked me to explain in what way I see this selfishness through, I would have to say that the only thing I live for is to make the world a better place.

I have been down in places I do not wish upon my worst enemy and I know that life can be beautiful, breathtaking, and purely amazing, but even more than that, I am just so sick and tired of seeing so many sad, disempowered, stressed people in the world.

People are so amazing and they all have such incredible potential for greatness.

Every single person can do something that completely changes the world.

They can all be happy, fulfilled, excited and everyone can lead a truly amazing life… but most people do not see this or realize this.

The reason I live, is because I want to help as many people as possible see that too. When I live for me, when I am in my best possible state of mind, I can create the most amazing opportunities for others by setting a good example and creating more positive energy.

I want people to be happy with their life, and to lead lives that they feel have a purpose. I want them to see their own potential, to live their best life, and to really, truly, lead a life worth living.

But, most importantly, I just want to be there when they shine! Because, to me, there is no greater feeling in the world than when someone finally breaks free of their chains, takes life into their own hands, and succeeds.

That is when people shine the brightest, and I want to be there just to experience that with them.

I live so that I can see as many people as possible reach that potential because that is what makes me the happiest and what I think means the most in life.

Click here: https://bit.ly/2vvw8VT


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